About Hope
Equine Body Work
Animal Communication
Myofacial Release
Muscle & Deep Tissue Massage
Tellington TTouch Method ®
Emotion Code Balancing ®
Rehabilitation for Neglected & Abused Horses
Support for Horse & Rider Connection
Training Needs or Behavioral Issues in English & Western Disciplines


Horses are powerful teachers if we know how to interpret the lessons they offer. Hope O'Brien has ridden in every discipline over the last four decades and utilized the principles of natural horsemanship, combined with the tenets of Nonviolent Communication, and she believes that the connection between equine and human is deeply intuitive. Her intention is to assist in bridging any gap in the sacred relationship between horse and guardian.
Having mentored with experts from across the globe, Hope's cumulative education allows for a unique brand of training and energy healing - taking the mystery out of communication and connection with our horses, utilizing multiple modalities.